Neon, New Jersey and the Fiscal Cliff...
Fact is, neon sign manufacture rises and falls with the fate of all American Business. Small businesses and big business alike know the necessity of well lit sign, so more business means more signs.
As I write, there are signs of life on the marketplace horizon. Construction projects have come alive while it continues to be relatively warm in the N/W, and though the fiscal cliff still looms, I feel businesses await just at the gates to relaunch into whatever direction is best for America. While we wait for a few Americans in congress to get on board and moving forward again, Americans seem to be poised for a new day and optimistic as ever.
Sure American Neon has had to take a back-seat to China's dimmer L.E.D's, but the Light Emanating from Real Neon still looms at the forefront where our American Business Survivors do well and these surviving businesses are lighting the way for the American return.