While our Black American Youth are Being, Systematically, BRAINWASHED and Tricked into Begging All on earth to Acknowledge the, otherwise, well known FACT that Black Lives Matter (to the full Determent of all else), I continue to operate my sign company, opened in 1995, as a Living Testimony to the obvious FACT that a Black Lives, Do, Have and Can Still Matter, if only we Refuse to Drink the "Koolaid!
For the Record and Contrary to NUDGE Science spawned "Popular Beliefs" that are systematically sewn into American conscious, via Mental Usurpation and the Systematic Obfuscation of Actual Black ACHIEVEMENT and relative Black Progress, nationwide, Empress Signs LLC. is a 100% Black Woman Owned Business that still Remembers, Exactly, How Great America Could Be, if only America can free itself of the Subversives who would Weaponize Us All, Only because they can more profoundly then anytime in history.

As the founder of Empress Signs LLC, I also happen to be the Daughter of a Successful Black American Entrepreneur, and the Granddaughter to Three additional Black Entrepreneurs.
Not only was my father the founder and Builder of the James N. Thompkins Funeral Home on 42nd and Girad Ave. in West Philadelphia, he was also a Celebrated Navy Man who Developed his own
well engineered Inventions in behalf of the US NAVY Aeronautics Division.
I watched my father Rebuff Hidden Handed Corporate Overlords who'd offered to pay him and the Last Bastion of Strong Black Businesses in the name of newly implemented Corporate Run Funeral Homes.
For me it was No Accident, Whatsoever, that "they" began paying Funeral Homes quite handsomely to allow Systematic USURPATION on the eve of "their" Dubious New Human Organs Trade.

I also watched my Father Lead his Community-Wide Civics Group. They they worked, daily, to Stave off pending Gentrification all along Park-side Avenue corridor, now the place, practically, Rolled Up in behalf of Microsoft and his Hidden Handed Ilk who saw blood in the water as soon as our Strongest members who were holding the Line for so long began to die off one by one.
Like so many Black luminaries, such as, my more celebrated Uncle, Proctor Massie, the first Black Physics Professor at the infamous Annapolis Naval Academy, or those who were selectively illustrated in the Movie, Hidden Colors, it was my father's Patented Invention that helped to Advance, Post-War, America and it's Allies from behind the scenes.
My father's many contribution/s to America's Aeronautic and Space Programs were actually Celebrated as far as France and beyond and not lost on me, either, is how France was openly Chided for their public Respect, Admiration and Acceptance for America's systematically Repudiated Blacks.
My own Uncle, Samuel (Proctor) Massie was one the most Prolific Black Operatives who's GENIUS was tasked, first-hand, in the making of the notorious Manhattan Project.
Besides MATTERING as one of the Youngest Black Men to inter into College, just before his 13th Birthday, Uncle Proc would go on to become the First Negro Professor at the, World Renown, Annapolis Naval Academy in Washington DC. , where the World's future leaders of all Races would go to be schooled by him in Physics.
Sadly, for me the empirically evidenced dichotomy of Black Excellence -vs- Racist Claims and a Sad Reality for most Blacks, alike, is evident Allegorically, yet few can understand, exactly, why this dichotomy continues to exist for blacks at all.
The World indeed, Realizes Black Greatness on many fronts across the board, but, not without an Unspoken Caviot that is illustrated so well in the following Condi Nast Illustration of old.
There in-lies the express Goal of a long standing Hidden Hand. Their Hidden Handed Objectives of old are still reflected, algebraically, in all that has Openly manifest within the Black Community Nationwide.
It is by way of a narrow view of blacks, carefully crafted by those who have studied us well, that a certain undercurrent may be embedded, systematically, into the minds of us all and thereby our entire fate may be imparted within the entire black Society by way of the estranged and Secretive, Aspirations of a Few chosen ones, such as those who are Initiated by Patrons into the Elitist Ranks of the Boule Class, such as, one Barack Obama who's Patrons, with Full Cover of Readily Angered and Brainwashed Blacks, remain to be Seen or Tried.
We see glimpses of that same Hidden Hand manifest in the daily works of the, so called, Boule Class. Their their Triangular Works that repeat themselves in every generation have now manifest in their, so-called, Social Impact paradigms and each of their Media Monopoly spawned SOCIAL INCITES are Tooled to be relative to the Overall Goal as they are designed to forward the Secretive Works of their Purposeful Hidden Hands that remain rested firmly upon Black spoils beginning from the top of the greatest Pyramid Scheme, to date, and the Taking of the Golden Capital in Gaza.
Today we may watch, for our Entertainment Pleasure, the Black Youth inside of the School that was Built, ceremoniously, in my own Uncle, Proctor Massie's Good Name.
Just as we may realize, only through Biblical Revelation, exactly, how and why Black Men were Turned GREEK, in the Proctor Massie Elementary School we can see how Black Children are openly subjected to the Hidden Handed OLIGARCH's latest SOCIAL IMPACTs schemes developed in the name of C.O.R.E education and NUDGE BRAIN Science (Stem) ploys.
Nationwide, there are Countless Blacks who are held up for systematic BRAINWASHING in Eli-Brode (Hedgefunder) Usurped Schools where they were being systematically Radicalized by rudiments practice by the Weather Underground.
Via the Florida School Shooting We see the glimpse of ties with the Charter School Infiltrators the likes of Turkish born Terrorist. Somehow we were trained to Ignore Barak Obama's Socialist/Communist Past and his own ties to Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground, alike, and all they Achieved in the Cover of Darkness all under the banner of Charter schools, and thanks to the work of the Crooked as Hell, Clinton's, also.
Besides being spun into a Real-Time, WorldStar HipHop Styled Mockery on Youtube, the Children "educated" at the Samuel P. Massie school Pride themselves on Their Foolish Greek Dancing Styles not knowing how like our beloved Predecessor, they too, are now being USED FOR THE GREATEST, most DEVIANT Social Experiment ever to take place in America, since the Rockefeller's first Usurped and funded the, infamous, Tuskegee Syphilis Program and ongoing Programs thereafter, both Biological and Mental.
With the same Hal-mark Irony, those Hidden-Handed Oligarchs of the same REV 3:9 Exposed ilk as the Rockefellers, are now developing a 21st Century Slave Trade in Plain Site!
Today we can find Echos of SLAVERY embedded inside of their Goldman Sachs Managed human capitalization plan developed under the fake auspice of , Barak Obama's Pay for Performance otherwise known as Social Impact Investment Bonds.
The program was Spearheaded from London by the former G8's Sir Ronald Cohen, and through their systematically Usurped American Institutions, such as, Harvard University (Kennedy School of Business) they used the Manhattan Project example as their guide and Inspiration for Getting EVERY Usurped City on-board as, so-called, Early Adapters and as a Practical Workaround to Federal -v- State Sovereignty after being practically flushed out from the belly of the Feds via the likes of Occupiers upon the Ocupy Wallstreet moment and by such participants and the first Tea Party membership All, since formulaically, Usurped by the, so called, Deep-state, but not without the help of hungry black shills like Philadelphia's Mayor, Michal Nutter, a Clinton Sycophant of the Highest Degree .
Proctor Massie's wife, my aunt, Gloria (Thompkins) was a writer for Jet Magazine's Society Section, where Black Dignitaries who visited Washington D.C. were all Cited as the Important and Intelligent Movers and Shakers that they truly were.
Unlike the Bought and Paid for Black Writers of today, get Perks and Prestige to pen at the Becon Call of George Soro's for the forwarding of his MURDEROUS Social Justice Warrior BRAND, her Articles were, rather, Uplifting and Quite Telling of our Relative PRE-CIVIL-RIGHTS-MOVEMENT-Achievements, with not one Self Loathing Complaint, whatsoever.
Then, there were no obligatory, ECHO CHAMBERED, Complaints received Tecnoratically via the CNN ' School of Subversive Thought, such as, we see manifest in the,otherwise, well-healed, yet COMPLAINING "Men" of the TARGETED and USURPED NFL today.
Then, my aunt was Free and Willing to Write About our, relative, Success in America before that Hidden Handed Ilk of Bureaucrats decided to SOCIALIZE all out as Useful Idiots, all, where via our Taken Schools Ready , Mindless, Weaponized Social Justice Warriors could Triggered, Socially Incited, and Plied Nationwide and More Instantaneously all for the Personal Profits and Disruptive Gains had by the Hidden Handed ilk Bolshevik Style. (Just in time for their 100 year Anniversary and the Kickoff of their Social Disruptions in Russia, and the Only reason they still Hate Vladimir Putin and the Russian So, perhaps second to their Acceptance and Uplifting of Ganible at the embarking of their First Merchant Class Driven Slave Trade)
Upon careful consideration and hind-sight, however, I see that it was the Glowing, In Your Face, Reports of Black Progress and Privilege that might have served that hidden handed Ilk of Patron/Meddlers as the salt on the wounds of the forever Bullied Whites, they call Goyim. Today, just as was practiced and perfected on Studied and Patronized Blacks it is they who are now being systematically Brainwashed into Loathinng their own race.
It is clear upon my own research that certain, Hidden Handed Ilk, did perfect their BRAINWASHING ploys begining with their First Black shills, such as, W.E.B. DuBois, a Useful Tool in the Establishment of Planned Parenthood. Or by way of, Barney Hill who is said to have sighted the First UFO a Natiowide Ploy and Cover for Mass Hypnosis and the fometation of Mass Hysteria, all too common today. We can see, via hind-sight also, their practical Use of the Hand-Select Made Men and Women that constituted the first Black Panthers full of Men who were first MK Ultraed and their now Suicided Manchurian Candidate alike.
Rather than my Aunt being Professionally Fixated, as per daily Talking Points, on covering a mythological black, who was of a an Inherently Downtrodden and Beggarly Race, she was assigned to Write on the Most Wealthiest Mighty-Men and Women with Pride.
Now, it is our most Patronized, Wealthy Blacks, who can be, so easily Brought Down to their knees in ACTS of Abject Prostration and Perpetual Complaint. These Bad Actors are are now Mentally OWNED and, thereby, Tasked to Act Out on Que, such as, our Black Mighty-Men of the NFL and the Morgan Freeman's of America, alike.
While it was a Compromised James Baldwin and his Kind who could be Commissioned to write us into the Downtrodden Black on his Homosexuality Beat, there was still Plenty of Progress and American GREATNESS to be seen, had, and cited until the systematic USURPERS finally perfected their craft by way of Men like Banyard Rustin who helped hand-craft our so-called, Civil Rights.
After their Civil Rights Farce, we are now witness to the Roll-out of Every Dubious Lesson Learned, upon our Most Gullible Blacks, first and foremost. Every Foul Social Ploy tried first on their Targeted Blacks, has now been systematically UPSCALED and DEPLOYED Nationwide, to include loathed Whites and namely, hated CHRISTIANS, as well.
For the Record, upon writing on Black Trendies for Jet Magazine, inside of my Aunt's stories I find practically Couched and Forgotten Our Black History that might, otherwise, still serve as a Powerful Reminder and a practical Blue-Print for ACTUAL BLACK SUCCESS IN AMERICA, but at last, That Rag that was first Infiltrated by the Hidden Handed (CIA) who thought a Celebrated Black was Weapon Enough has USURPED the Jet-Rag Too and thereby, it too is Tooled to Socially Incite Us All towards a More Rapid Decline as the once, Hidden Handed EMPIRE now Feels, themselves, far Too Big To Fail, but Irronically, Not Without Our Help at Every Turn, that is, Either Dead or Alive.
Together, along with the Socially Impacted, beleaguered Whites, America is still a GREAT Place to be, both, Unapologetic, and Unequivocally, Unless George Soro's and that Hidden Handed Ilk, finally gets there way with ALL OF US.